Meet Mr. Hulot—he's always in the middle of the action! Created and played by French comic actor and filmmaker Jacques Tati, Mr. Hulot is a beloved charater in France. David Merveille’s comic strip style illustrations depict 23 captivating scenes with a page turn that builds suspense for each surprise ending. From buying a snow globe on a warm summer day—shaking it—and causing the sky to snow, to a crazy visit to the zoo where Mr. Hulot has something in common with every animal at the zoo—Merveille’s creations are a delight to the observant and curious eye.


David Merveille works for the press and teaches graphics and illustration at the Institut Saint-Luc in Brussels. He has worked on many publicity campaigns in France and Belgium, and creates posters and illustrations for a daily newspaper called La Libre Belgique. Other books by Merveille include–Le Jacquot de Monsieur Hulot—2005–Hello, Mr. Hulot—2013–Mr. Hulot at the Beach—2015.

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