Your dreams can change the world!

Colourful mosaics, playful flowing forms, imaginative facades—Barcelona shines with the buildings of Antoni Gaudí. How did the son of a Catalan blacksmith become a world-famous architect? The first years of Gaudí's life were challenging. Because of an illness, young Gaudí couldn’t attend school and was often alone. Many of his days were spent out in nature, which he would later call his great teacher. Even during his training as an architect in Barcelona, his teachers were puzzled, wondering: is he a “genius or a fool?” Many considered his unusual ideas eccentric, sometimes even crazy. But Gaudí was simply ahead of his time. His buildings are now a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage Site.

With an insightful eye into the world of an inspired genius, award-winning author Susan B. Katz tells of Gaudí's life and work. Linda Schwalbe's dazzling and powerful illustrations reflect the inventive, daring, and flamboyant style of Gaudí's work.


Susan B. Katz is an award-winning Spanish bilingual author/illustrator; National Board Certified Teacher; and literacy specialist. She has published 20 books, including The Story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Frida Kahlo, and Meditation Station. She also launched and ran Facebook and Instagram's author vertical. Susan lived and worked in Spain, and studied ceramics there. She later turned two boxes of broken ceramics into a mosaic business, inspired by Gaudí's masterpieces. She lives near San Francisco, CA. Find out more about her at

Linda Schwalbe studied illustration at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle and at the? Berlin University of the Arts. Inspired by discoveries and adventures, music and nature, she is happiest painting with acrylics. She is the author/illustrator of Ida and the World Beyond Mount Kaiserzipf and winner of the prestigious Serafina Award. This is Linda Schwalbe’s second book for NorthSouth. She lives and works in Leipzig, Germany.

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