Kids Fight Plastic: How to be a #2minutesuperhero

Illustrator: Tim Wesson

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Walker Books

Age 7+

Conservationist & Green Organizations Conservation Of The Environment Pollution & Threats To The Environment, Nature, The Natural World Science & Technology: General Interest Environmentalist

Have you got 2 minutes? That's all the time it takes to become a #2minutesuperhero. Plastic is everywhere. It is in the rivers and it is in the sea. We need superheroes to fight plastic and help save our oceans.

Read this essential book and find out how you can become a #2minutesuperhero by completing 50 missions to fight plastic at home, school and on your days out.

Informative, practical and positive, this guide for children is written by Martin Dorey, anti-plastic campaigner and author of the bestselling No. More. Plastic. Martin is the founder of the Beach Clean Network and the #2minutebeachclean movement and believes that small actions add up to make a big difference.


Martin Dorey is a writer, surfer and anti-plastic campaigner. He founded the global beach cleaning movement, the #2minutebeachclean, in 2013 after years of beach cleaning and campaigning. Today, in 2019, the movement’s Instagram page attracts 250k views a week and they have set up 400 beach cleaning stations around the UK and Ireland. In 2017 the #2minutebeachclean was named by Blue Planet as the top thing you can do for ocean conservation and has been featured by Springwatch, Sky News, The Times and National Geographic.

Tim Wesson draws in for both children and adults. He illustrates for France Magazine every month and has also illustrated for other clients including Habitat, SWATCH, Paperchase, BBC, Peagreen and many others. He lives in Suffolk.


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