A beautiful seasonal lullaby sure to settle even the most restless of cubs.

Winter is on its way. For bears, that means it’s time to tuck in for a long sleep. But other forest creatures are still awake, so why can't Small Bear stay up and play, too? Mama Bear gives her small one the cosiest of answers and paints a dreamy picture of bright colours and new adventures that will greet Small Bear come spring. But first, to sleep.


Dianne White is the author of Green on Green, Goodbye Brings Hello, Sometimes a Wall, and many other picture books. As a child, she loved reading books, playing music, and learning new languages. Years later, as a teacher, all three favourites followed her into the classroom. By day, she read great books, sang, and even taught kids who were learning English for the first time. At night, she worked on picture books. Today, she's delighted to be writing full-time, while enjoying life in sunshiny Arizona, USA.

Ramona Kaulitzki has always spent her days doing something creative, but her biggest passions are drawing and storytelling. She loves to create little characters and breathe life into them, imagining their stories and the world they might live in. When she’s not illustrating, Ramona she can be found somewhere outdoors or at the riding stable. Her great love for animals and nature is a major inspiration for her work. Ramona Kaulitzki is based in Germany.


A tender, seasonal lullaby that’s perfect for a bedtime.

The Bookseller

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