Cassandra's trying to find a new home for a dog that's saying good-bye to its owner. But that takes more than talking to animals—it means finding the perfect person.

Cassandra's life keeps changing, and she's learning that her unusual gift can't fix everything. Her first dates with her maybe-boyfriend Tristan weren't exactly what she dreamed they would be. She and Juliet are basically stepsisters, but Juliet still hasn't warmed up to her. And Cassandra's trying to find a new home for a dog that's saying good-bye to its owner. But that takes more than talking to animals—it means finding the perfect person. No one said being an animal psychic was easy...


Isabelle Bottier writes graphic novels for kids and teens. She lives in France

Hélène Canac illustrates graphic novels and lives in France.


Another fast-paced adventure for animal lovers, with a side of light romance.

Kirkus Reviews

All in all, it’s a solid, fun read. If you enjoyed the first one, definitely get this one. If you’re new to it, this series has excellent art, characters, and story and is well-rounded, entertaining, and informative.

Sequential Tart

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