We Are the Scrappy Ones
Age 5+
Social Issues
Poetic text and luminous illustrations combine in a picture book that celebrates and affirms disabled children
We are the scrappy ones. / We live, we adapt, we defy. / Made of stardust and grit, we are spectacular.
Author and disability advocate Rebekah Taussig has written an anthem of belonging, celebrating the wide range of disabled children and affirming their worth, just as they are. Luminous illustrations by Kirbi Fagan portray a diverse cast of characters living, learning, and playing. A warm, joy-filled book for disabled and non-disabled readers alike.
Rebekah Taussig has a PhD in Creative Nonfiction and Disability Studies from the University of Kansas and she writes personal stories about disability. She lives in Kansas City with her husband and young son.
Kirbi Fagan is an illustrator based in Michigan. Kirbi is recognized for her cover art, her picture book The Summer of the Tree Army by Gloria Whelan, as well as her numerous covers for comic books.