A funky little children’s book that takes the “before and after” concept to unexpected places.

A gust of wind, an elephant, a dive bomb, a spell: this funky “before” and “after” book will have you chuckling!
What happens to a lion after the storm? His mane is swept into a dishevelled mess. What becomes of a pear after an elephant passes by? Pear jam! A frog after a spell? A prince. And the room after a battle? A big mess!


Eric Veillé was born in 1976 in Laval and studied at the Duperré School in Paris. While working as an artistic director in publishing, he decided one spring day to devote himself to writing and children’s book illustration. He has since released many books, as author and illustrator, including My Pictures after the Storm and The Bureau of Misplaced Dads.


Clever, playful, with a mordant edge, this is sophisticated silliness in warm shades of red and yellow, asking sly questions about the relationship between words, pictures and meaning.

The Guardian

At turns sublime and ridiculous… This is a terrific little book that will amuse all out of proportion to its size.

Wall Street Journal

Unexpected giggles await with every page turn.

Publishers Weekly, starred review

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