Elmer, Wilbur and a brave troop of elephants set out on a quest to find the famous Lost Treasure of the jungle. When they stumble across a beautiful forgotten temple, Elmer's friends rush inside, keen to find the Lost Treasure before him, but Elmer appears to have stopped searching...

A new tale from master-storyteller David McKee that delivers just as much pathos as the very first, this is the twenty-eighth Elmer storybook.


David Mckee is the creator of well-known characters including King Rollo, Mr Benn and Elmer the Patchwork Elephant, which is now published in more than 50 languages and has its own successful global merchandise programme.

David McKee was born in Devon and went to Plymouth Art College, where he had a traditional training. On leaving college he drew regularly for Punch, Reader’s Digest, and The Times Educational Supplement. His drawings were influenced especially by Saul Steinberg and Andre Francois. David lives in Arles, France.


David McKee’s elephants are as delightful and full as character as ever


In his gentle way, David McKee reminds us of the grandeur of elephants and that we should never fail to treat them – and all animals – with the highest regard.


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