A counting book with a difference - follow ten busy animals on their journey on Bunny's Bus... and back again!

Count down as each busy animal leaves Bunny's bus, then count back up on as they join Bunny on the way back!

Welcome aboard Bunny’s Bus! There are 10 noisy animals on board until, “DING! DING!” goes the bell, “Next stop, please!” One by one, the animals leave the bus, counting down as they go . . . and when everyone has reached their stop, the bus is very quiet and Bunny Bus Driver is very bored. Good thing he’s going back the other way. Time to count back up!


Clare Fennell studied Illustration and Graphic Design at De Montfort University, Leicester, and went on to work in a design studio before illustrating over 35 books. She loves working in collage and finishing in Photoshop to clear up all the messy bits. Clare works from her home studio in Leicestershire, with three crazy cats, tons of coffee, and good tunes.

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