Pablo & Jane and the Hot Air Contraption
Age 5+
Picture Books
A ground-breaking new picture book that combines graphic storytelling with hide-and-seek challenges.
A strange green glow is coming from the old house up on the hill, and when Pablo and Jane decide to enquire they make an unexpected discovery... Zapped into the Monster Dimension by the evil cat, Dr Felinibus, they must now find a way home in the broken Hot Air Time Machine, with a little help from their friend Dr. Jules (a 19th century scientist trapped inside the body of a rat). Help Pablo, Jane and Dr Jules as they race for their lives through Lopsided London, Terrifying Transylvania, Horrid Hawaii to find the missing parts of their machine and avoid the terrors of the Monster Dimension.
Jose Domingo is the author of the adult comics title Adventures of a Japanese Business man. Domingo (born in 1982) is a Spanish comic artist whose drawing obsession led him to work as a character designer and storyboard artist for the animation industry, before publishing, in 2008, his first full length comic Cuimnh. His work has appeared in many collaborations and exhibitions. He recently decided to delve into the realm of children’s books and illustration, where his colourful and humorous style can be introduced to a younger audience.