Beautiful Birds Colouring Book

Illustrator: Emmanuelle Walker

Binding: Paperback

Imprint: Flying Eye Books

Age 4+

Activity Books & Early Learning Material Colouring & Painting Activity Books, Picture Books

Lose yourself in a riot of colouring in as you bring these exotic birds to life!

Lose yourself in Emmanuelle Walker's wonderfully detailed bird illustrations. From Warblers to Blue-tits and Kapaos to Owls, colour in an alphabet of birds in their feathery fancies — perfect for all ages!


Emmanuelle Walker is an animation director and illustrator from Montreal, Q uebec. A s well as contributing to Nobrow magazine (Nobrow 8: Hysteria), she has worked with international animation studios across the world (Walt Disney Ltd., Sherbert). She lives and works in London.

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