Summer for Louise means sand, surf, and... the supernatural.

Louise spends every summer at her grandma’s house with her older sister, cousins, and Rodin the dog. But, this year, her plans to relax and read comics on the beach are about to be turned upside down by a mischievous ghost, bored with being forced to haunt the same house. While the other girls are wrapped up in romance and teenage problems, Louise takes refuge with her new paranormal BFF, determined to escape the drama and just enjoy her summer break, something that is proving to be a lot harder than she anticipated...
Enter the dreamy world of Elizabeth Holleville’s graphic novel for a supernatural coming-of-age story, woven together with the threads of family, young love, and the tricky territory that comes with being a teenage girl.


Elizabeth Holleville is a comic book artist based in Strasbourg, France. Inspired by the horror genre including David Cronenberg and Stephen King and comic artists such as Alison Bechdel and Charles Burns, she seeks to produce stories that focus on the emotions of the characters involved, usually with a supernatural twist. She has worked with Gle´nat and Casterman as well as self-publishing her own comics and zines.

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