In the depth of winter, when all the bears of the forest are cozy and warm in their dens, a dazzling spectacle appears in the sky...

Mika the little bear loves to run and play all about the forest, but she soon learns that winter is on its way, and she is meant to spend these long, cold months hibernating with her mother and father. When the Old Owl tells Mika about the Northern Lights that appear every winter, she can't stand the thought of missing something so beautiful, and so she sets out on a secret, snowy adventure to find them!


Erik Kriek is a freelance illustrator and comic artist who studied illustration and graphic arts at the Rietveld Academy for Art and Design in Amsterdam. His popular comic book series, Gutsman, received national acclaim and was adapted for the stage, earning Erik the 2008 Stripschapprijs. Erik has worked with clients around the world including De Volkskrant, Boston Globe, and Weltwoche. He is currently based in Amsterdam.

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