The thrilling adventure tale of a young honey bee on a mission to explore life outside of the hive and discover the secret of his true identity.
Ziggy’s not your average bee in a box. Life’s pretty sweet in the hive, but he knows he’s different from the other bees. When Ziggy leaves Bee City to find out why, he soon learns that the truth can sting.
Raymond Huber lives in New Zealand. He has been a social worker, gardener, primary school teacher, lecturer, and is currently a writer and editor. He’s written Science and English textbooks and short stories for children. In 2010, Sting, his first novel for Walker Books Australia, was short-listed for the New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards and the Sir Julius Vogel Awards, as well as being a Storylines Notable Book. His second novel, Wings, was short-listed for the 2012 Sir Julius Vogel Awards. In 2014, Flight of the Honey Bee won the LIANZA Russell Clark Illustration Award, was a Storylines Notable Book and was a finalist for the LIANZA Elsie Locke Non-Fiction Award and the New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards.