In this slapstick, illustrated crime adventure, the honest Theo Pincher, who doesn’t fit in to his family of criminals, finds himself suddenly on the other side of the law because of an ancient curse.

"Theo and Ellen accidentally break an ancient cat statue in the antique store. When they tell their mother Nic, she turns pale. It must have been the statue that ruined the life of their ancestor Pick Pincher!
The curse of the Egyptian cat turns thieves into honest people and honest people into thieves. Pick met a terrible fate for a Pincher—he became a police officer. Now suddenly Ellen can’t lie and Theo is becoming a criminal.
Theo and Ellen follow the clues to break the curse—after sneaking into the zoo through secret tunnels, breaking into the antique store and digging his way into more trouble, Theo must decide whether he is or isn’t a criminal.


Anders Sparring writes children's books and is a screenwriter for many popular television shows. He is also a stand-up comedian. He lives in Sweden.

Per Gustavsson is an illustrator and author living in Stockholm, Sweden. His bestselling books are translated to several languages.

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